'Moments of Awakenings' Short Film |
Film Synopsis
’Moments of Awakenings’ is a short film that describes and follows the inner voyage of a man, an artist, into his shaking way of awakenings.
The film touches in a poetic way and visual sensitivity his inner emotional state and essence, while trying to capture in a visual way the 'being in the moment'.
The Project
Finding the environment allowing actual moments of awakenings with the right visual aesthetic and sensitivity needed to get the camera as far away as the rural california were the casting was made, and video shooting was completed.
Editing phase was made in Berlin, Germany while completing the audio for the film required a whole new musical project, composing a partiture for 5 instruments, recording it, finalising it all with post and final settings.
All in all, the project took around two years, from initial ideas to a complete film at hand.
Film's Credits
Story Camera, Director, Editor Amir Kaufmann
Cast Rene Medina Jimenez Germana Federico Monica Farbiarz
Original Music composed by Yuval Halpern
Studio Sound Engineer Martin Schroeder